Qualitative Research

Why choose INF Consulting for Qualitative Research?

If you are looking for complementary reports to support your data, then INF Consulting can offer you the best. Looking beyond the market requirements, can help your business to survive in a competitive market. At the same time, Qualitative research methods can help you to gain insights on consumer behavior in relation to several aspects. In INF Consulting, we help the clients to gain insights on changing paradigms as well as assist them in penetrating new market segments. A major objective for conducting qualitative research on behalf of our clients, remains to be exploring market potential and trends in continuity, so that, data collected on a specific purpose is analyzed to fulfil the business objectives.

Qualitative Data Analysis: The role of INF Consulting

In reference to undertaking Qualitative research methods on behalf of the clients, INF plays a significant role in terms of gathering in depth data, valid and related to the purpose of study. One of the major objectives of our qualified team remains to be a logical reasoning in order to categorise data to empower business decision making. Simultaneously, INF Consulting offers team based skill and exclusive domain expertise to offer the ‘finer nuances’. 

Therefore, it is imperative that, we help our clients in gaining comprehensive insights about contextual aspects in a rapidly changing market.

What is the purpose of undertaking qualitative research Methods?


The purpose of undertaking Qualitative research methods is to co-relate the contextual data with the purpose of research. In majority, such data is analysed in order to

  • Build up knowledge in relation with a specific issue or incident
  • Reveal the purpose of data collection with respect to a particular relationship aspect
  • Understand the norms of a particular socio economic population

It is important to note that, qualitative data is related to the quality aspect and hence remains to be non-numeric. However, in the modern context, digital data collection can be done in order to collect structured or semi structured data.  

Qualitative surveys:

Most of the experts related to the field of Qualitative research methods use structured questionnaires in order to collect data related to the qualitative aspect. In the modern context, online surveys is in order to collect data which remains to be valid and credible. Certain traditional methodologies related to the following processes which include:

  •  Paper Surveys

Herein, open ended interactions planned with the help of a structured questionnaire. Experts suggest that, it is better to collect data according to the standard mechanisms wherein a larger sample population is studied in order to build up accuracy.

  • Online Surveys

Online surveys have become a trend especially, after the outbreak of the global pandemic, i.e. COVID – 19, and this technique frequently used in order to gather authentic data. As per the experts’ view collection of data becomes smoother while getting it done online.

  • Focus group discussions

Under the guidance of suitable experts, focus group discussions are generally carried out, in order to collect data from a selected few. Topics will selected by the qualified team members, in relation to a particular issue or context. Opinions will collected from the horse’s mouth in order to be analyse later. A selected group of respondents will selected with respect to a number of variables, and data collected with analysed through measurement of aspects related to deviation.


Observation is one of the major tools in carrying out an objective oriented study and team members from the INF gather descriptive text based data through observing the selected respondents. Thus, a participatory stance will taken on real life terms in order to collect data through audio or video recordings or physical observations. 

What are the types of observation techniques adopted by INF?

There are two main types of observation techniques which are adopted by INF Consulting. A latent observation method will followed which will often referred to as the covert technique. On the other hand, an open observation method will deployed when the group of respondents, have a clear idea on the fact that, they will observed on certain aspects.

Observation techniques are generally resorted to, when the research study demands data related to a specific situation or an on-going process. Experts suggest that, observation methodologies will undertaken in order to understand the trends in a sample subsection, for instance a particular community.

Qualitative Market Research Methods:

Other qualitative data collection techniques:

Nine categories of data remain to be verified by our qualified team. Observation and in-depth interviews are generally conducted in order to analyse suitability of data available and analysis thereafter.

What is our domain expertise?

Proxemics is the study of people that we specialize in. It remains conducted in a variety of environments in order to study the socio cultural aspects of the sample population. 

Kinesics happens to be the study of body language with respect to a particular situation. Our team members are specialized to conduct kinesics in order to conduct in-depth interviews.

Ethnography remains to be our forte wherein we study the behavior of a consumer population spread out within a large area on the whole.

It is important to note that, narratives are used wherever required in order to relate to the individual life stories. A strong relationship will arranged between the respondent and the researcher from INF in order to carry out an in-depth analysis. 

  • In-direct Methods
    • Projective Techniques

INF deploys well qualified team members in order to collect data with respect to personalities of respondents, especially relating to their psychology. Such techniques are as precise as given below:

  • Word Association

This is a specialized technique which is deployed through identification of thoughts related to a particular word. Visualization of certain aspects remains to be under observation, wherein a mind reading approach will adopted to reach a valid conclusion.

  • Sentence/Story Completion

Our team members while conducting Qualitative research methods had developed another technique in order to initiate response rationalization. Such a technique is thought to induce a bit of creative thinking within the minds of the respondents and help them reveal the latent thought process. 

  • Photo/Picture Sorts

Image based visualization remains to be a key driver in gathering qualitative data related to a particular research project. Representing thoughts and expressions through photos and images happens to be a common tool for the qualified researchers.

  • Brand Personalities

A major tool or technique adopted by the qualified researchers of INF Consulting, remain to be ‘personification’ aspects in relation to a client brand. Respondents will often encouraged to comment on a brand value, loyalty of association with the concerned brand, as well as the level of emotional engagement that they enjoy.

Why do INF Consulting encourage projective techniques while conducting qualitative studies?

It is important to note that, projective techniques put less strain amongst the respondents. A technique to question indirectly, engages the respondents better, coupled with enhancing a level of satisfaction amongst them. In addition, projective techniques help to reveal the true motivations of the respondents against particular purchase behavior. Hence, this kind of a deployed technique can help the client companies to gain a deeper insight towards the buying behavior of customers within a strict competitive environment. In order to carry out a detailed research project our qualified team members use the following: 

  • Colored images that create an impact on the human mind.
  • Interesting stories with which the respondents can relate.
  • Impactful words which can create an impression with the customers.
  • Interesting taglines that can excite the respondents selected for interview.

Other Methods:

  • Diary Method

Data is primarily observed and recorded physically. Diaries will maintained by the individual researchers in order to refer back to relevant data if required.

  • Role-play and Simulation

An indirect method of observation relates to relevant role plays and gaming techniques which are commonly known as simulations. Such methods have been successfully used by our qualified team members in order to observe behaviors related to strong decision making aspects amongst the respondents.

  • Role-play and Simulation

An indirect method of observation relates to relevant role plays and gaming techniques which are commonly known as simulations. Such methods have been successfully used by our qualified team members in order to observe behaviors related to strong decision making aspects amongst the respondents.

Qualitative Data Analysis Services

  • Content analysis

Content analysis will done with respect to a situation analysis. Our team experts determine the relation of certain thematic situations or concepts in relation to practical perspectives. Inferences will drawn on the basis of the understanding in relation to the researchers’ perspectives.

  • Narrative analysis

Narrative analysis will performed by the qualified experts in order to carry out a systematic enquiry related to a purposeful research. Qualified team members from INF Consulting use   narrative ‘texts’ in order to relate conceptual perspectives to real time research.

  • Discourse analysis

Discourse analysis remains to be a specialized team function in order to understand a particular social context related to a local dialect. The impacts of conversations being done in local dialects basically relate to the conclusion drawn from a particular social context.

  • Framework analysis

Framework analysis is a selective process and will done on a required context. In most of the cases, such an analysis will done in case of applied policy research entrusted to us by different stakeholders.

  • Grounded theory

It is interesting to note that, our qualified team members often refer to grounded theory as a practice to conclude systematically in varied research projects. Our team members provide a focused study with respect to varied research projects in order to relate real life data to conceptual theories.

  • Semiotics

We specialize in semiotics in order to create meaning out of a set of collected data. Visual as well as linguistic data remains to be the base of the research and a collective meaning can be derived out of a purposeful research.