Quantitative Research

Why do clients choose INF for Quantitative Research Projects?

Most of the clients choose our services, in order to take informed decision through a guided process of research. INF as a team has a strong focus on collection of hard data which will covered through large sample size surveys. We at INF help the clients to achieve a structured design of data analysis in order to facilitate a business decision. Quantitative research undertaken by the team INF can not only help in gathering data, but also assist the clients to make systematic observations in relation to the concerned products and services. Quantitative data will implemented in various ways which include online surveys, mobile kiosk surveys as well as face to face interviews depending on the scope of the research project.

Quantitative Market Research Techniques

Many of the market research firms follow a number of techniques in conducting market research. INF Consulting on the contrary remains to be extremely customer-focussed and work as per the client mandates. As per the various requirements given by our respected clients, we have followed the given techniques as listed below:

  • Customer satisfaction surveys: Will performed with a selected few of the customers with respect to a number of chosen parameters.
  • Employee opinion surveys: INF Consulting is skilled in conducting opinion surveys amongst a group of employees. We remain to be trustworthy and had built up a reputation in handling confidential data as well.
  • Usage and attitude surveys are generally conducted on behalf of a brand undertaking studies on complicated consumer behaviour in relation to a product or a service.

What differentiates INF Consulting from the other professional firms is that, we offer tailor-made solutions through defined price packages. Such solutions remain to be sustainable over a period of time with respect to the defined parameters.

How is quantitative research data collected by Team INF?

Most of our clients rely on the research services provided by us. We are known for collecting authentic data in terms of the following techniques:

  • Face to face interviewing: is undertaken while collecting relevant data within a small focus group.
  • Online surveys are usually undertaken in large or small focus groups in order to collect authentic data.
  • Postal surveys will undertaken by INF Consulting team in order to collect data which will recorded for further analysis.
  • Interviews on Telephone (CATI) will conducted in case of specific data collection requirements.
  • Observational research will undertaken by our team members within large or small focus groups in order to provide inputs for statistical modelling.
  • Competition studies will undertaken in order to carry out a complete strategic assessment of competitors related to a particular field of products and services.
  • Market Segmentation studies: These kinds of studies are undertaken considering specific situations wherein product or services needs to be launched in a specific market.
  • Consumer behavioral research: will undertaken in order to understand the consumer specific behaviors according to differing profiles in different markets.
  • Product and brand positioning studies will undertaken by us in order to promote client brands within a particular market.
  • Press readers’ preferences surveys: will conducted under specific circumstances and as per the scope defined by the client.

Strengths of INF Consulting:

We have an extensively qualified team which is based in-house. Part time consultants are invited in order to give a valuably analytical approach to the high quality research reports that we prepare. We assure our clients of a quality team working relentlessly in a competitive market with cutting edge-pricing strategy.

Data Analysis in Quantitative Research Methods

Phase I: Data Validation: This is the first and the foremost step while conducting a quantitative research based on a specific project scope. Data validation is done in order to collect and filter data which is standardized and authenticated. Data authentication can be done with respect to the following:

  • Fraud: Analyzing and matching data according to the profile of the respondent. Error based data is identified and screened at this very stage.
  • Screening: To ensure that the respondent’s profile is in synchronization to the requirements of the research projects screening is done.
  • Procedure: This relates to the understanding about the procedural approach taken by the researcher with respect to data collection. A sequential analysis is often done in order to understand the flow of data collection initiated by the researcher.

Phase II: Data Editing: Data editing remains to be our forte as an extensive sample is often loaded with errors. A thorough editing work is done through a qualified team wherein necessary check points are created in order to process the raw data. Raw data should be free of errors in order to be analysed.

Phase III: Data Coding: Codification of data remains to be an important part of the process as similar types of data are arranged into a particular cluster. Categorization of data helps in establishing a correlation between two separate data and this in turn helps the researchers to come to a conclusion.

Methods used by INF for data analysis in quantitative research

Developing insights which are meaningful remains to be a major focus of research on behalf of our clients. However, in order to derive meaningful insights statistical models will developed by the qualified team members. Descriptive statistics helps in data analysis, whereas inferential statistical analysis assists in facilitating quick business decision making.

Analysis of data: The Role of INF Consulting

INF Consulting had always proved to be a trustworthy partner for our clients in terms of sharing authentic information. The reports generated by us, remain to be absolutely data driven and authentic giving tailor-made insights as per the requirements of the customers. One of the major focus of the researchers belonging to INF team remains to be formulation of hypothesis which helps in facilitating effective business decision process.

Why should our clients go for quantitative research?

Quantitative research is undertaken when a client likes to look at the broader picture and is not necessarily confined to the quality of information related to a small percentage of consumers. However, a defined scope for such a quantitative research needs to be specified by the client in order to carry it out the best possible way. Descriptive statistics will incorporated within the research reports to provide the client with a detailed analysis of the collected data. Inferential data is followed through simultaneously in order to facilitate the thinking process of the clients in terms of a larger market.

Online Survey:

Why choose INF Consulting for Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI)?

It is important to note that, our clients often look for mass scale telephonic surveys. This kind of a service has become extremely popular keeping in view, the pandemic situation which had cropped up in the recent past. Simultaneously, Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) in the long run helps the customers to gain meaningful insights at a very low cost. INF is committed to serve the customers in the long run, and our team members remain dedicated towards the genuine cause.

Is INF well equipped in order to design CATI programs?

Most of our clients, had been commonly asking such a question before entrusting the work to us. In this context, we’d like to explain that, our survey managers are very well equipped in order to implement absolute quality control framework while collecting valid data. We have generated a time sheet, to be filled up by our team members on a regular basis, in order to define our engagements in a particular research project. Simultaneously, we ensure that, training needs will identified at each and every level of hierarchy in order to increase client responsiveness in the long term.

As regards to our infrastructure we have strengthened the same through:

  • CATI work stations designed to provide confidentiality, comfort and convenience
  • A large network of telephone lines and mobile connections
  • A dedicated server to preserve and process collected data
  • Power back-ups and management systems to ensure uninterrupted service.
  • Dedicated IT support at the back end
  • Ensuring call recording capabilities
  • Multilingual employee backgrounds
  • Ability to make calls within domestic as well as international market segments.

Planning for CATI Surveys

INF remains dedicated towards providing a seamless service towards our customers. Therefore, we committed towards undertaking a full-proof planning process in order to design CATI surveys with:

  • A group of respondents identified within a market segment
  • Ensure to collect structured data through designing a precise questionnaire
  • Consider to record valid data through telephonic interaction
  • Ensure real time results through screening and filtering data
  • Manage costs of CATI in order to build up on mutual trust and profitability
  • Ensuring a global coverage of data collection on behalf of the clients